
Elite Athlete Stories

Nike has a long-standing tradition of celebrating the world’s greatest athletes and their incredible achievements. However, with a focus on excellence, this content can have the unintended effect of alienating people from sport.

Nike’s brand motto is Just Do It, and they desire to spread the belief that, “if you have a body, you are an athlete.” With this mantra in mind, we created content franchises humanizing the world’s best athletes and showing where their journeys began, illustrated how greatness can come from anyone, and begins with that first step.

Everyday Athlete Stories

One way to inspire Nike’s community is to humanize the world’s best athletes. The other way, is to show that everyday athletes/people are capable of achieving greatness too.

We uncovered stories of average people dreaming and accomplishing extraordinary feats; people moving the world forward through the power of sport. Again, with an end result of motivating our community to get out there and #JustDoIt.

Social Shorts

While premium long-form content has traditionally been the gold standard of athlete and brand storytelling, it’s the snackable daily doses of inspiration that truly connects an audience with a brand.

With a combination of eye-catching/thumb-stopping shorts, interactive social pieces, and weekly content franchises, we were able to actively engage our community on a regular basis. Influenced by social trends and user behavior, we upheld our belief of being “social on social,” and highlighting the brand voice in a way that truly connects with the next generation of athletes.

Nike SB (Skateboarding)

Nike SB: Campaigns

To help grow the sport and culture of skateboarding, brands must break free of the endemic skate community and speak to a wide and diverse audience.

Utilizing humor, celebrity cameos, metaphors, and high production values, we were able to create brand spots that are not only appealing to “core” skaters, but videos that resonated broadly as well. The end result, building brand love and equity for Nike SB, while helping to solidify skateboarding one of the fastest growing sports in the world.

Nike SB: Mini Documentaries

Ask any skater and they will declare that, “skateboarding is more than a sport, it’s a way of life.” But how do you illustrate this philosophy, and how does a brand do so authentically while also promoting its product assortment and building on key KPIs?

Through the creation of digital mini documentaries, I was able to showcase the world of skateboarding through the eyes and voice of its elite-level “athletes." Additionally, by focusing on athletes relevant to seasonal campaigns and product, I was able to successfully highlight the latest footwear silhouettes and innovations in an authentic manner that avoids the red flags of traditional advertising.

Nike SB: Social Campaigns

Social is currency for millennials and Gen Z. At Nike SB we embraced this truth by not just creating eye-catching social content, but actively engaging and featuring members of the brand’s digital community.

By spearheading social-first campaigns focused on adding value and promoting members of our digital audience, we were able to build brand love and reestablish Nike SB as the #1 brand in skateboarding (brand strength).