
Year in Search 2020

2020 was truly a year like none other, and Google knew there were heavy expectations for its annual “Year in Search” campaign. The challenge was to pay tribute to this unprecedented year, while sustaining energy via social engagement.

In addition to creative collaboration on the award-winning brand film, I developed a campaign-first social strategy, covering 20 thematically relevant topics via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Aimed at extending energy and messaging around the record-breaking search interest in “Why,” social posts continually exceeded benchmark; educating, inspiring, and delivering levity to recap a heavy year.

Forward Rhythm

Accessibility through technology is one of Google’s core values. With this in mind, we set out to tell the story of Jason Barnes, a professional drummer/musician who lost his lower right arm at the age of 22. Almost a decade later, Jason’s passion and love for music has led to the co-creation of one of the world’s most advanced prosthetics, powered by Google’s machine learning platform, TensorFlow.

In addition to acting as a lead creative on the film, I developed a robust digital/social strategy aimed at extending campaign energy, connecting with our social community, and highlighting numerous aspects of Jason’s journey and persona.

Racial Equity

The tragic loss of George Floyd helped lead an awakening in the US and beyond. The movement towards a more equitable society was not just seen in the streets and on traditional media, but through online search trends.

As a brand, Google needed to make a strong statement on racial equity, while avoiding editorialization. Utilizing Google Search trends data, I spearheaded a brand statement film outlining our commitment towards an equitable society. This commitment has been upheld in part through numerous social posts aimed at awareness and visibility.