All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Outside of work I seek inspiration and expression through skateboarding, surfing, art, and immersion and exploration in nature.

  • Surfing

    For as long as I can remember I’ve had a love for the ocean and its infinite intoxicating moods. Surfing is my way of convening with nature, expressing myself through movement, and an exercise of acting in the moment, as you’re forced to adapt to an ever-changing environment. It’s also been a huge motivator for travel, enabling me to experience numerous countries and cultures.

    Recently my love for surfing has taken on a new form. Teaching my wife to surf, watching her progress, and being able to share the experience with her has risen the significance of it to a whole new level.

  • Skateboarding

    If surfing is a way to express myself in nature, skateboarding is the equivalent within an urban environment. I’ve always loved the fact that skateboarding challenges you to see cityscapes in new and exciting ways, and from there, being able to athletically showcase that creative vision.

    The physical realities of entering the tail end of my 30’s has forced me to adapt my approach to skateboarding. It’s been an interesting challenge to adjust my creative vision as athletic abilities dictate. Still I’m proud to have recently slid down my first handrail since I was a teenager, illustrating the ability of the mind to overcome all.

  • Art

    Surfing and skateboarding have always been physical creative outlets, whereas painting and other art has allowed for a more low-key and visual form of expression. I first picked up a paint brush at five and had my first solo show at eighteen, featuring a body of oil paintings.

    Recently I’ve been teaching myself watercolor. I’ve truly enjoyed experimenting and understanding a new medium. I’ve also recently dove into the world of woodworking. I’m captivated by the challenge of designing objects that need to strike a balance between form and function, a fundamental element of successful brand storytelling as well.